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Gary Klavans is a graduate of Emerson College in Boston, MA.,  majoring in film, television, creative writing and theatre.


Gary moved to Los Angeles where he wrote and produced his first collection of scenes entitled "Crossroads: Bar & Grill" based on his romantic memories of his favorite bar in Boston.  The show ran in several theatres over a number of years, many of the scenes are still used in acting classes today.  The success of the show lead to the creation of his first TV pilot "Hope & Crosby" based on two of the characters.  Gary eventually branched out to film.  He co-wrote and starred in the independent feature “Crispy, Cracker’s  & Beans”.   The film was screened at the SXSW Film Festival and the X-Ground On Screen Film Festival in Frankfurt, Germany.


Gary’s other writing credits include The Syndicated television series “Rosarito Weekend” and the critically acclaimed stage play, “Happy Christmas Merry Chanukah”. 


While working as an actor, Gary continued to write.  He created a project nicknamed “Two short films in two short days: Blame it on Nora and My Life… Welcome To It.   The success of “Two and Two” was followed by the award winning film noir short “Diamond Confidential” and immedialy following that the award winning avant garde film "Just Three Words".


Over the years Gary has optioned several screen plays and currently has two feature scripts on the market. 

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